Saturday, August 11, 2007

Unsuccessful Interviews help you learn Parallelism

There was a time when I used to buy newspapers and magazines for Jobs. Then I used to go through the columns of hundreds of ads, highlighted those which match my profile, chalked out a plan to visit the offices and set out for the Interviews.

Needless to say that most of them did not work out otherwise I would not be writing this post. But I never regret or blame my fate for taking me through such a painful span in my life! Trust me; I have learned several things from these Interview sessions. One such thing is Parallelism.

The idea was not new for me, somehow I realized that while creating a list of items, we should maintain same style of addressing, e.g.,
Here we will see how to:
  • Design web page
  • Writing for web
  • Develop content

This is WRONG. It SHOULD be:
Here we will see how to:
  • Design web page
  • Write for web
  • Develop content
    Now, let us know about:
    • Designing web page
    • Writing for web
    • Developing content
    In an Interview, I was given a paragraph and asked to run a Parallelism check. Though the Interview did not work that time but it helped me learn one professional term and investigate it further. That’s the way failure should be considered isn’t it?

    Know more about Parallelism at wikipedia.


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