Just think, your site is receiving thousands of visitors, but too few of them are buying your product! With analytics, it’s no more difficult to know the source from where these visitors came and the keywords that took them to your site. I am sure that you will be surprised to see that most of visitors, who left your site immediately after landing, were looking for the main keywords of your site!
This is the time to start analyzing visitors’ behavior deeply. I am not saying that you should stop doing SEO. No, not at all; but you should testing various things with your site just to see how your visitors react to those changes. Now, go through the images below:
Yes, Google has also started doing it! I am sure the setting that receives maximum hit will be finalized OR, they may display various messages randomly.
You can also do similar things with your site. Change the background color, edit the CALL FOR message, place a different button and see if the changes result positively or not. However, all these things should be done in a thoughtful way, perhaps with the help of experts. Go through what Sumantra Roy, CEO, Conversion Multiplier has said at:
Technorati Tags: SEO, Internet Marketing, Internet, Online Marketing
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