Friday, March 26, 2010

Kolkata Twestival 2010 and Ong BONG Chong

The Sanskrit mantras delivered by the priests during pujas most of the time sound like Ong BONG Chong; the reason can be either the priest cannot pronounce properly or the understanding level of general people is very low or both (the third option seems most sensible).

We had Greatbong in the Twestival Kolkata 2010 as the chief speaker and he speaks as good as he writes I must say. However, as I had lots of things to do here and there, could not concentrate much on what he was saying. Parts of his Speech that I managed to listen to were like this:

1] Greatbong suggests to have a blog on something you know and like - good point indeed.

2] Greatbong believes that most of the tweeters who have huge followers are successful in some fields - either they are celebrities, politicians, writers or bloggers. Twitter does not bring you fame, but, once you are famous, you can become popular on twitter too - point to be noted, I never thought this way.

3] The topic comes in his mind first, then he writes. Hence, writing a blog post does not take more than 30 minutes for him - justified, he writes on what he knows.

There was a question-answer session with the audience, he must have covered many other good points that I missed :( Let's see if somebody can help with a video.

The Greatbong part of Twestival Kolkata was something that I enjoyed. The presentation by Twitsnaps team was impressive and the speech by SOS Village was good (the paintings of SOS village children deserve a special mention).

Rest of the event was somehow Ong BONG Chong. A lot of people left the venue when the Band was performing. Overheard the comment made by an attendee while leaving the venue when the Band was on stage - "Ei hobe janle ashtam na" (I would not have come had I knew such thing was on schedule). It hurts; the good memories of Kolkata Bloggers Meet 2009 are still fresh in mind!

Got to see some old friends - that was the best thing in this festival. Returned home sleepy; special thanks to Samiran for helping me get back my cell phone charger.

And my apologies to the employees of Natya Bhavan for extending the event so long; they commuute huge distance every day and it becomes difficult for them to return home if a show ends late in night. They requested us to close it latest by 8:15 PM which did not happen.

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